As Glastonbury approaches, thoughts turn to the all important flag designs, and flavoured vodkas, along with things like tents and guy ropes. The flag is attached to a flag pole, that is left with the tents, it is so much easier to find your tent at the end of a long day (and night) if there is something to look for. Although you may think you will be able to spot your funky individual looking tent, in the field, it is slightly more difficult when your tent is joined by 1000's of others! Flags are a contentious issues with glastonbury, especially as there seems to be a never ending supply of them in the front of the stage! However, we only use ours for tent finding purposes only. This is the third flag we have made, the first in 2009 was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles inspired, in 2010 it was Goonies never say die, so the discussions began about the 2011 design. After discussion with the rest of the glasto group we decided on Dangermouse, and Penfold, but as we were all loving the new series of Rastamouse, we decided to add Rastamouse to the design.
To make the flag, we choose the design, the search on the internet for easy pictures to draw, then trace them onto the flag (a white 5ft 3ft flag). We then outline them with the permanent pen (we use a Sharpie), then paint the flag with fabric paint, iron, to seal the paint, then put it in the wash - to waterproof it. Job done, this is the finished article, and I think this one is our best yet:
Moving onto the vodkas, we got the inspiration from the flavoured vodka's thread on, people on there have successfully created all sorts of crazy flavours from skittles vodka to cola cube flavour, somebody is even trying out a vodka infused ketchup!
So to make the vodka, buy a bottle of vodka, not the cheap stuff, or the really expensive stuff, then chose your flavour: Our friend Kim has made vodkas before so told us how much fruit to vodka was needed. So the first two vodkas we made were a fresh raspberry one and a blueberry one. We began these before Christmas and regularly add sugar as the fruit ones were a little bitter. We then made one using Fox's dark glazier sweets, so we also have a liquorice and aniseed vodka. We don't need to add sugar to this one, as the boiled sweets have enough in. Our final vodka is a lemon sherbet one, which again only took a few weeks to do, and doesn't require any added sugar.
As you can see the raspberry one is taking its time to breakdown, and as its only 20 days till glastonbury so we are not sure which ones will make the trip down south.
1 comment:
We are most impressed with the flag making Technology.
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